Monday, January 16, 2006

Introducing 2 Boyz

This is the introductory post for my new blog that will primarily center around the stories of my two children, Kerry 2 1/2 yrs and Kendall 6 mo. I've never been good at putting pen to paper for journaling purposes but love the idea. I find that I send a bit of time each day e-mailing and surfing the web, so I thought this would be a great way to record some of the happenings (good and bad) of the two loves of my life.

You may wonder how I could possible find time to even write a paragraph with two little boys underfoot. Well, at the moment I'm keeping one eye on them as Kerry watches tv and Kendall spreads spanish/english learning cards all over the family room floor. I will just straighten up all the toys, again, after their both in bed. Aahh! Thank God for bedtime!
Actually, this is an unusual moment of calm in my home. If I couldn't actually see the boys I would wonder what trouble they were getting into. My postings may be short depending on how much time the little guys give me to write.

I think it will be extremely fun to look back and remember the things they do and say. My husband is always telling me things that Kerry says or reminding me of things that he did months ago and I've forgotten. I can't stand that I would forget such cute moments or even the frustrating ones (that we laugh at now).

So stay tuned for the exciting and crazy antics of my 2 Boyz!

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