Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Doctor Day

Today Kendall had his 6 month doctor visit. I can't believe that he is already 6 months. Time really seems to be going by fast with this little one compared to Kerry. Well, Kendall is certainly thriving. Both his weight and height are at the 95%tile on the growth chart. In contrast Kerry was always closer to the 5th %tile. I keep saying that Kerry is going to be our quarterback and Kendall will be our linebacker. Otherwise, Kendall is just storing up so that he can keep up with his big brother this summer. Kendall's weight today was 21# and Kerry's weight was 29#.

Kendall has been having some weezing and congestion for the past couple months. The doctor thought that he may have a milk allergy so, we are going to try a different formula for a while and see if that helps at all. Poor little guy. I know how miserable I feel when I have a cold. Maybe, this will help the whole "sleeping through the night" issue, too. However, this has been going pretty well. Last night he went to bed so well at 7:30 p.m. and didn't wake up until 5 a.m. That's my kind of baby!

Well, I better go join the boys downstairs. I hear one of our favorite shows just coming on... Elmo's World. I think it's the one about how people eat. I've only seen this one 20 times or so.

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