Sunday, June 05, 2011

100 degees means...It's Officially Summer!!

Last weekend we literally experience the seasons change from spring to summer in a matter of one day. We were in Santa Clause, IN to play at Holiday World with the boys for the weekend. When we got there on Friday is was quite chilly (about 60 degrees) and had to wear sweatshirts the whole day. Saturday we thought it would be much better... but in the morning it was still below 70 degrees and not looking good for going to the water park. We had worn our swim suits in hope of encouraging the sun to show its face. Let me just remind you all that you can still get sun burned if the skies are overcast. By noon the clouds had burned of and the temps jumped into the mid 80s. Time for sunscreen, right?! Monday the sun was out with all its heat (95 degrees) and I'm sure we won't see the 60s again until sometime in October.

Here are a few pictures from our cool day.

The boys and Christian the Elf at Santa's Story Time

One of our favorite rides

This ride is called Reindeer Games - the boys rode it about ten times

Once back home, the kids finished up their last day and two hours of school, and we headed out for some beginning-of-the-summer fun.

- St. Louis Science Center/ Omni-max theater "Tornado Alley"

- Good eats at Pappy's bar-b-que

- Sweet treats at The Cup - - - saved the cupcakes until we got home, though.

Science Center Pics

Okay, I know this post is getting long...

Hang in there with me as I try to wrap up the "Beginning of Summer" quickly.

So, this weekend was back to reality a bit.

On Saturday it got to be 100 degree (that's full-blown summer) and both boys had baseball games and Kendall had hockey practice.

Sunday was much more laid back. After church we went to the library and loaded up on books. I mean each kid got 6-7 books and 3 DVDs. Then to the sno-cone stand, the park for only about 20 minutes (cause it's still hot) and home to watch movies. My plan was to take our sno-cones to the park eat them on a blanket as we dove into our new books fresh from the library. Well, since it was so hot the sno-cones got eaten very quickly outside the car at the sno-cone stand. When we got to the park the kids wanted to play on the playground instead of read books. So, I sat in the car with the AC on and checked out the latest on Facebook.

Well, that's it for now.

Summer is off and running... I hope I can keep up.

Love you! KayLyn

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