Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Snow Pics!!

I just wanted to quickly add these pictures. We are so excited about the snow!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow Day! Yea!

We got our first big snow of the year here in St. Louis. School was cancelled... Kerry was happy about that. Faron's parents had stayed over night in order to get to an early doctor's appointment over at Scott AFB. Faron was off of work but feeling under the weather...(no pun intended). So what was I to do but get busy in the kitchen. I had already had things planned out for the day since we sort of anticipated a day indoors. First up... get a nice rump roast in the crock pot for dinner. Then, roll dough into the bread machine. You have to have homemade rolls with Italian Beef. Next, I got my new giant cupcake pan out to make a cupcake shaped cake. I need to practice for Kerry's birthday cake. So, I decided to make this snowflake cake to celebrate our first snow. I think it actually worked out pretty good. Although, I intended to make it blue. I think someone switched the caps on my blue and purple food coloring. It was very purple even though the pics look blue. Oh well! :D

In the middle of this, we even made it out to enjoy some sledding. Kendall was the die hard sledder. Kerry opted for hot cocoa and wii after about 20 minutes.

What a beautiful and fun day!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Me and My Boyz!!
Ready for 2009

New Years Resolutions

Each new year I love to make my "New Year's Resolutions." This year is no different. I really have difficulty keeping my resolutions, though, because I make too many. This year I'm going to try have more obscure resolutions (vs. more specific/ with dead lines). Perhaps I'll actually see some changes/ improvements.

Here's some examples:
Start reading through the Bible - not necessarily in a year but, just continue to read straight
Be nicer to my husband and kids
Be a better friend - give more/ expect less
Be more creative, crafty, get projects done
Eat better, lose weight

I'm thinking this approach may be more successful.
Oh.... one more resolution. Learn how to add pictures to this crazy blog.