Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Birthday Boy, Kerry

"It's your birthday today!" "No! It's not my birthday" "Yes, it is!" "No!"
"Don't you want to have a birthday party" "Sure! Let's go!"
"How old are you going to be?" "Five!" "Aren't you going to be three?" "No five!"
"Hi Birthday Boy!" "No, I'm not Birthday Boy! I'm Kerry!"

Aside from the contraversial debate surrounding this day... Today is Kerry's third birthday.
We've been trying to prep him for this day by getting him to respond appropriately to the inevitable question "how old are you today." However, he was never content to be only three. He would usually respond five, six, or sometimes even ten.

Well, Daddy and I have had several activities planned to make this day very special. Starting at 10:30 a.m. there would be music class at the library, followed by lunch, an outing to Toys R Us (the "Choo Choo Train store") with Grandma and PaPa Fox, a big movie at the theatre, back home for cake and presents, finally at 6:20 p.m. swimming lessons at the Y.
Perhaps, just the thought of such an ambitious schedule was just too much for a little guy just turning three. We'll never know... but, last night Kerry woke up crying shortly after going to sleep and ended up being sick most of the night. Poor little guy! We re-thought our schedule of events since everyone was running on only a few hours of sleep.

Kerry was feeling much better after breakfast sooooo....
First thing in the morning (10:30 a.m.) Kerry and Mommy went to the party store to buy some party supplies instead of music class. They had about every birthday party theme you could imagine from Blues Clues to Elmo, Spiderman to Hot Wheels. Kerry knew for sure what he did not want for his party plate, napkins, hats, etc. And when he found the Nascar plates with Dale Erhart's car he knew fod sure that was what he wanted. Ironically, the number on that car is 3. So, we picked up all the supplies we needed along with three balloons and we were headed to the grocery store to pick up the cake Daddy ordered yesterday. Of course the cake was also a race car theme.
When we got home we headed out for lunch with Grandma and PaPa Fox to Dr. Jazz. The main thing Kerry wanted here was blue ice-cream. Why don't I have my camera at times like this!! His face and shirt were covered with blue. And he loved every lick. Thank goodness PaPa had his camera.
We were still able to squeeze in a trip to Toys R Us and a movie ("Curious George") but, skipped swimming lessons.
Kerry reluctantly headed up to bed at 8:00 p.m. I did get a very cute picture of him finally asleep in his bed with a book tented over his face.

After a bit of a shaky start, our little boy turned three today. sniff sniff. I remember him digging into his little baby booty cakes at his first birthday party. Man, they really do grow up fast.