Saturday, February 11, 2006

I'm getting a little break from the two boyz today. Papa and Grandma Fox have Kerry at their house for the weekend and Daddy is watching Kendall at home. I'm at St. Louis Bread Co. sipping and surfing.

Sometimes I think those two little guys are going to drive me crazy but, as soon as there gone (like to grandma's) I miss them like crazy.

So for my little break I decided to get by myself (in public ironically) and write a bit since I hadn't in such a long time. I need to just get in the habit of doing this every day.

Well, I'll start with Kendall...
He is such a cute little chubby guy. He smiles so easy and hardly every cries unless he wants his bottle or a nap. Yesterday his naps were kinda messed up because we had a play date in the morning at my friend Susan Mace's house. We're trying to get together with the kids at least once a month. That meant no morning nap, yesterday. Well he did fall asleep on the way home but woke up going into the house. Then he wasn't able to get to sleep and was crabby the rest of the afternoon.
Kendall really gets around pretty good for not being able to crawl yet. He's almost there though. He'll get up on his knees, start rocking, and sort of lunge forward toward some object that he wants to grab. He's so close.
I think Kerry was 6 1/2 months when he crawled. Kendall turned 7 months on the 9th.
Faron and I were walking around at the craft store last night with Kendall in the cart and Kendall looked at me and started talking, in his own language, and gesturing with his hands. I'm sure he was telling me something that he had just thought of. What I would give to understand baby talk. He was just so expressive.

Well, I think I'm going to leave SLBC. It's almost noon and starting to get a bit crowded.
I'll get more written later at home. Besides, my battery will probably die here pretty soon.